5 Reasons to Go to 1:54 African Contemporary Art Fair

5 Reasons to Go to 1:54 African Contemporary Art Fair

For those looking for reasons to head to Red Hook during Frieze Week to check out 1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair, we have a few. We made the trek to Pioneer Works and were, like last year, quite enamored with what we discovered. Some of our favorite works have much to do with the artist’s process and the materials used. Here are five artists/reasons why we recommend you make it out to the fair this year.

Armand Boua154 Contemporary African Art Fair NYC 2016

Born and bred in Abjdjan, Armand Boua creates paintings on found cardboard boxes that depict the street kids from his hometown. But these aren’t your average paintings, as the artist applies layers and then scrubs and strips back to create texture and more abstract-looking forms. Boua is represented by Jack Bell Gallery.

Paul Onditi154 Contemporary African Art Fair NYC 2016

Paul Onditi lives and works in Nairobi. His current practice involves digital polyester inkjet plates that allow him to layer complex images onto each other while retaining a translucent quality. The resulting works are dreamlike and surreal, and incorporate film strips, transferred images, caustic acid, and layers of oil paint. Onditi can be found in ARTLabAfrica‘s booth.

Diane Victor
154 Contemporary African Art Fair NYC 2016

Hailing from South Africa, Diane Victor works draw attention to the political inequalities and social complexities of South Africa. The works of Victor’s that can be found in David Krut Projects booth include drawings made from candle smoke and a piece called Ash Man-Johnny in which she threw ash onto paper. You can watch a video about the genesis of her smoke drawings below.

Yéanzi154 Contemporary African Art Fair NYC 2016

Schooled in painting and photography, Ivory Coast artist Yéanzi likes to draw portraits using melted and pliable plastic. The resulting works are vibrant and striking. The artist is represented by Galerie Cécile Fakhoury at the fair.

Zohra Opoku154 Contemporary African Art Fair NYC 2016

Zohra Opoku is presented by Mariane Ibrahim Gallery at 1:54. Living and working in Accra, Ghana, Opoku’s practice spans a number of media including installation, photography and video. On display at the fair are a series of her camouflage self-portraits printed on fabric.

(1:54 runs through May 8, 2016 at Pioneer Works, 159 Pioneer Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231. Hours are 12pm-8pm daily, tickets are $20)

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