Figment NYC 2015 in Photos

Figment NYC 2015 in Photos

FIGMENT NYC spread its joy across Governors Island this weekend. Besides the long wait times for the ferry to/from Manhattan, the participatory, sponsor-free arts festival was a big hit. It saw spontaneous dance parties, people of all ages dressing up in costumes thanks to Kostume Kult, art making, haiku writing, good-spirited competitions, and the return of Benjamin Jones’ TreeHouse, as well as the unveiling of this year’s transportation-themed mini-golf course, the City of Dreams Pavilions and this summer’s sculpture program. Below you’ll find a slideshow that sums up some of what went down. 

While the games and the art-making are now just a figment, the City of Dreams Pavilions (Organic Growth and Billion Oyster), the sculpture program, TreeHouse and mini-golf course remain up for all to enjoy throughout the summer.

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